Thoughts On Process: The Alchemy Of Acting

The Collective Spirit

The Official Newsletter Of The New Collective LA Acting Studio

Thoughts On Process: The Alchemy Of Acting

Artful Chemistry

Alchemy is defined as any seemingly magical process of transforming or combining elements into something new. An Alchemist is defined as someone who transforms things for the better. How does this relate to the art of acting? Imagine the craft of acting as something similar to sciences such as chemistry and cooking. The heightened reality of a character is rarely a literal translation of real life. I truly believe that the best actors have a kind of magic in their craft, much like modern-day alchemists turning everyday ingredients into something extraordinary.

Skill & Intuition

In both alchemy and acting, it’s not just about the materials you start with, but how you harness them. Alchemists used mystical symbols and secret formulas to build their creations. Actors use their life experience, skill, and intuition to breathe life into the writer’s words and bring a character to life. Both crafts are driven by the belief that there’s more to the world than meets the eye, and with the right touch, magic can happen.

Embrace The Analogies

I’ve always been inspired by exploring analogies in order to find a deeper understanding about acting. Analogies encourage creative thinking, allowing you to make unconventional connections. They simplify the complexities of the creative process and also build a common thread with other art forms. I always loved cooking analogies such as to let an acting choice “marinate”. Rather than having fear about losing your preparation, you can instead think of it as a pot on the stove. The meal tends to taste better when we allow the pot to “simmer” on low, and trust we don’t need to constantly check the stove. Creating a character as an actor is a lot like cooking up a special dish. You start by taking different bits of yourself and tossing them into the mix. Then you stir in a healthy dose of imagination, love, and care. The result is a unique and exciting creation.

All my best,

Greg Braun

Koreatown, Los Angeles, CA 90005
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