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Partnering WIth The Subconscious
Give & Take: The Dance Between the Conscious and Subconscious Mind
In the creative process, there is a fascinating interplay between the conscious and subconscious mind. Understanding this dynamic is crucial for any artist, as it helps recognize the distinct roles each plays in bringing ideas to life.
How It Works
Typically, the conscious mind sets the direction, while the subconscious mind offers solutions. The subconscious may spark an idea, but it’s the conscious mind that refines and shapes it. Many of us are more familiar with the workings of the conscious mind, but the subconscious tends to remain more elusive. However, learning to tap into its power can unlock deeper creative potential.
The Role of the Subconscious
The subconscious operates beyond the rules and limitations that govern the conscious mind. It’s a vast reservoir of creative energy, often most active in our dreams while we sleep. Our conscious mind plants the seeds, and the subconscious nurtures them until they bloom. Have you ever had a moment of inspiration while showering, driving, or walking? That’s your subconscious at work, sending you ideas.
How to Partner with the Subconscious
Working with the subconscious requires trust and patience. Over time, you can strengthen this trust. For example, in the acting process, after spending time developing a character, the subconscious starts to forge deeper connections. Some actors even report dreaming in character—an indication that they are truly becoming immersed in the role.
Similarly, some musicians and writers describe the experience of their work "writing itself," as though it’s being channeled from another realm.
The renowned filmmaker Federico Fellini once described his creative process in a similar way. He explained that while his conscious mind provides the “oxygen” for ideas, when it comes time to shoot, the film itself takes over. In his view, he doesn’t direct the film—it directs him.
The following video is from a television interview with Fellini:
Fellini’s approach highlights the power of the subconscious in guiding the creative process, showing how, with trust and practice, we can learn to let go and let inspiration flow.