Creating A Sense Of Safety

The Collective Spirit

The Official Newsletter Of The New Collective LA Acting Studio

Creating A Sense Of Safety

Support & Encouragement

The very first chapter in Julia Cameron’s “The Artist’s Way” dons the title: Recovering A Sense Of Safety. “One of our chief needs as creative beings is support,” she says. On our creative journey, feelings of insecurity can stem from various sources—unsupportive or overly critical parents, negative experiences with teachers, or harsh individuals in the industry. It's up to us to provide ourselves with the support and encouragement that may be missing from within.

Do The Work

Whether you’re preparing an audition, a performance, or going to the set, doing the work means creating the character, doing script analysis, and doing your sensory and imagination work. This process forms a "cocoon" of creativity, a space where we're reminded that there’s nothing to prove. We have a method—one we've honed and nurtured. Trust it. Love it. Pour your dedication and passion into it. Acting isn't a task with right or wrong answers; it's a creative journey. Understanding this can build a powerful sense of safety in your craft.

Put Yourself First

When we focus on impressing others, we give away our power. Trying to control how others perceive us is an impossible task. As a coach, I've seen that when actors feel safe and empowered, there's no limit to what they can achieve. The challenges arise when we allow our inner critic to take control. By putting yourself first, you automatically project self-confidence and build an environment where your creativity can flourish.

Embrace Your Mistakes

Creative mistakes aren't failures; they're the building blocks of growth. They're part of the journey, not the end. Fear of failure often stops us from taking risks, but the truth is, failure doesn’t define us—it shapes us. As Albert Einstein put it, "Failure is success in progress." Now, picture what you could accomplish if you felt safe enough to fail without fear. It all begins with nurturing the belief in yourself—one day at a time.

All my best,

Greg Braun

Koreatown, Los Angeles, CA 90005
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